In some place, There is God of the Water. He said, We need the place where share a blessing gift from the nature among the people.' Then, It's called 'mikumari' has been born. A blessing of mountains, forest, fields, rivers, and soils, all a blessing of the earth has became meals wit full of water. and it has satisfied their hunger and had peace of mind. 'mikumari' has been the place where full of smile naturally. Flowing river between woods and fields and whistling wind through it. The white building has stand solitarily in such a place The door is opening, and waiting for you as always.

cafe mikumari
1032-12, Higashimizunuma,
Haga-machi Haga-gun, Tochigi
Tel 028-677-3250
Open 11:30~16:00 (Lo 15:30)
Close Sunday, irregular holidays
All seats are non smoking
10 Parking